Monday, February 20, 2012

4 Natural Hair Regrowth Tips You Must Know

Does it seem like every day you are losing more and more hair? Here are 4 tips you need to know to stop your hair loss now

Before we get into tips that will help you with regrowth, it's important for you to understand why you may be losing your hair.

There are multiple reasons for hair loss; stress, disease, poor nutrition, and genetics-to name but a few. Each of your hairs grows out of a follicle; a structure at the base of the hair that holds it in place.

If there aren't enough nutrients or blood in the vessels to feed the hair, it will become weak, refuse to grow, or even start falling out.

Even if you have no idea where to start, as long as you are committed you can regrow your hair. Choosing natural ways to regrow your hair is a much better choice than injections, prescriptions, or surgery.

1. Herbs. Not all herbal remedies work for everyone, but there have been many who have been helped by them. Some popular herbs that are helpful in hair growth are Saw Palmetto, Dong Quai, Gingko Biloba, Horsetail, Stinging Nettle, and Panax Ginseng. Just be sure to follow the directions and take precautions.

2. Vitamins. Nutrition plays a major role in just about everything your body does, including hair growth. For hair to grow properly, it must be properly nourished. Vitamin E is important for blood circulation and stimulates hair growth. The B vitamin's 3, 5, 6, and 12 play an important role as well. Find a great multi-vitamin that includes these, or better yet take a pre-natal vitamin; they have higher doses of hair stimulating vitamins.

3. Foods and Remedies. Foods such as Apple Cider Vinegar, Green Tea, and different oils such as tea tree and olive have shown to help with hair growth. Hair growth shampoos are also another option. You must be patient as they do take time to work. You can put these directly on the scalp and you can take some of them internally; switching your coffee for green tea, using olive oil instead of vegetable oil, etc.

4. Products. There are many hair regrowth products on the market today. Whatever product you choose you must commit yourself to at least 6 months of persistent use before you may see results. Don't worry it will pay off! Some products that have shown to work well in hair regrowth are products that have a balance of vitamins, herbs, and remedies. They are best when they contain 2 things; one for the outside of your hair or head and one for taking internally. Some examples are; Procerin, Mira, Nioxin and many more.

Now that you have been well informed on why you may be losing your hair and what you can do to stop it, you are well on your way to reversing your hair loss and getting back that beautiful head of hair.

About the Author
When Danny M Ashton is not Chillin out maxin, relaxing all cool, shooting some beetball outside after school...he likes to write awesome content for Hair Loss Geeks.

His latest article is all about dandruff and hairloss, so check it out if your interesting in finding out about the how dandruff is related to male pattern baldness.

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